Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Emmett Cullen


Anonymous said...

Hey i thought i send a comment saying hey.......

dimples said...

hey emmett your my favorite character cuz you're way buff and funny and kellen lutz is pretty awsome too but not just cuz he's good looking, i bet he's a really cool dude but the whole cast is awsome and the movie was AMAZING but mostly emmett or kellen or wutever...

RiZZo&TwilighT said...

heyz! i wanted to know if u believed in vampires? i know weird question but i waz juzt wonderin!

RiZZo&TwilighT said...

heyz! i wanted to know if u believed in vampires? i know weird question but i waz juzt wonderin!

Unknown said...

I love you emmet you are my life !!!I really want to meet you!!! Ahhh u r my life!! Laura

Skylier said...

hey i really love twilight and all of the books im really glad the picked you 2 play emmett they made the perfect choice