I know, I know . . . I am a sucky blogger; It seems that my thoughts are fleeting and could be possibly deemed unexciting!! Still, consider most of said thoughts are about Twilight, I guess I should start writing them down.
I am hoping to make more of an effort in 2009; I will try and post the news I discover and my thoughts about it as it happens (Or as I find out!!).
That being said . . . it's Jan 1st 2009, so I guess it's as good a time as any to start.
GOSSIPI heard that Rob Pattinson was thrown out of the LA Improv for heckling a comedian.
Apparently, according to an US weekly source; The Comedian told the crowd he was going to do his Heath Ledger impression and fell to the ground in feigned convulsions . . . Rob and his friends weren't impressed and it's reported that Rob stood up and started chanting . . . "F**K YOU, YOU SUCK!"
Now, I think it's awesome that he had the decency to stand up and say something. It may not have been the most eloquent of defenses, but it was a defense. I wouldn't normally condone things such as heckling, but I believe this was completely justified, and I think I would have probably done the same thing.
Death is never really a joke; death itself is kind of ironic in a way, but I don't think the death of someone should be made fun of. Even if you've never had to deal with the loss of someone close to you it's crass and really quite ignorant. But when you have been effected by the death of someone close to you, it is, in fact, quite infuriating.
So if this source is indeed real; and this did indeed happen. I w ould like to applaude Robert Pattinson for being man enough to stand up and say something.